Sunday, 12 May 2013

If it's not one it's the other

I am pretty sure my kids have some evil plan to ensure I get as little sleep as possible. Liliana's night sleeps have been pretty much ridiculous ever since we left came back from NZ. I finally got her sorted then she got sick, so sleep went out the window again. I can probably put half of it down to a massive growth spurt, it was like over night she out grew half her clothes. But now she seems to be back on track. Auron on the other hand has decided 4 am is a good time to wake up for the past 3 mornings. Who knows what his problem is.
Lili is pretty much sitting up by herself. She's a few weeks behind Auron was at her age, but Auron was on the move from day one. Lili can quite efficiently get around by rolling everywhere, she is ridiculously fast its hilarious to watch. Yesterday she started getting up on her hands and knees so no doubt she will be crawling soon enough. Auron didn't crawl for too long before he started walking, if Lili is anything like him she will be walking by the time we are back in NZ.
We had a playgroup at our house last week which was fun. Just some people from church. We have had a few young families move into our ward which has been so good. We have quite a big ward but most of the kids are in primary or youth. Auron had a melt down when everyone left, it was a mix between really cute and really sad haha.
On Friday night I went to a relief society activity, it was awesome. Actually my first relief society activity I have EVER been too. I always thought Relief Society was of old people....I guess I am an old person now haha. It was nice just to talk to people make friends etc. Aarahi looked after Auron and Liliana, they went to McDonalds for a frozen coke, which is Auron's favourite treat at the moment.
Yesterday we went in to town so I could spend my Pumpkin Patch voucher which was due to expire. They were having a huge sale so Auron got some new clothes. Lili has too many clothes already. Later that night we went out for dinner and ate way too much, we could hardly move when we got home.
Today was mother's day I got to sleep in til 9am, thats like 4 and a half hours extra sleep...pretty much doubling my total sleep haha.
This week I have been dealing with the guilt I feel from giving Lili formula milk. She is having one bottle each night. It's been good for me and her but the guilt is still there. I needed a break, I have been feeding babies for over 2 years non stop pretty much. I only stopped feeding Auron a couple of months before Liliana was born. Auron has had formula only twice in his life. Both of those times were when he needed to be looked after by other people.

Well til next time.

Little Auron, gosh he was a cute little bubba


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