Wednesday, 31 August 2011

A busy weekend!

Wow what a weekend, it was full on from the start. On Friday Auron and I missed song time at the library but went to town anyway to buy Aarahis fathers day present which is harder than you would think because he is sooooo fussy and keeps changing his mind on what he might like. Then came home and had a huge clean up of all the junk lying around. Later we settled down for family DVD night.
On Saturday we decided to go in search of a new shopping centre and found ourselves at Highpoint shopping centre which is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like 4 floors! We didnt care too much for the shopping but that was probably just because I wasn't really in a shopping mood. The only thing we came out with was Koney's christmas present  and a Rubix cube that Aarahis been looking for, for ages. The food selections however were fantastic and we will definatly be back to try a burger place we saw that looked like burger fuel which we have been missing like crazy! (back home we used to eat it at least once a week) So I think it will be Burger Fuel for lunch as soon as we fly in ok Faryn!  Oh and there was a Churros restaurant we wanted to try too. Churros are like Spanish doughnuts and are FANTASIC. Our guilty little pleasure for the day was afternoon tea at Max Brenner. For those of you who have been to Australia or America you will have probably heard about it. Its like a chocolate restaurant they have amazing hot choc and lots of yummy chocolate goodies. Kinda like Chocolato back home in Palmy.
Later that night we went to the baptism of one of the girls in my class Ariana. I spoke on faith and repentance. It was a really special night shes such an awesome kid.
Come Sunday it was church and all the commotion that comes along with serving in Primary. Since most of my class have moved up to youth I taught the 8-9 yr olds ...alll boys and my one girl Ariana. We learnt about the Holy Ghost and joined up with Aarahis class at the end for a game of chinese whispers they were ...USELESS, to much laughing and not paying attention all good fun though. After church Aarahi went to teach mission prep thengame home and we were straight back to church for a youth musical fireside.....good thing they feed you after because poor Aarahi was starving.

Anyhow that was our busy weekend, this weekend will probably be just as busy being fathers day and all.

 Our yummy Belgian Waffles from Max Brenner

 My Strawberry and Passionfruit was too hot for hot choc so maybe next time but this was really good too

Baby with his new toy....Aarahis Boost Juice cup

Mmmm Nandos what shall I have to eat.....

 Mummy made me a new hoodie!!!!

I already love books! If I start being upset at home Daddy just reads me a book and I'm happy again. Mummy and me have scriptures every morning Today we read about Abinadi!

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Everybody loves Cake...especially Auron

Yesterday we went to a 'Cake Auction' at the chapel to raise money for the youth to go on camp. I was a awesome night with lots of support. They put a maximum bid of $50 on the cakes that the youth and their parents had made. We bought two cakes a choc ripple cake made my one of the boys in Aarahis class and a Choc cheesecake made by one of the missionaries (he has a reputation as an amazing cheesecake maker). Along with this amazing reputation came fierce competition so naturally we used the baby to our advantage and WON!!!!! All in all it was a good night and we came home and ate cake and strawberries in bed for dinner....looks like we are going to be fat.

Aarahi is singing in sacrament today as well as giving a talk on 'Love at Home'. Hes singing a song called Learning more of Love. Its very pretty, but it's not very well known.. I tried to look it up on youtube but no such luck there.

On Friday Auron and I went to singing time at the library. He loved it! especially the bubble blower they had at the end. Then we went across to the shopping centre and did a bit of shopping. Its national book week or something and a new book store opened up all books $5!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. Not stink books either . I guess its a sign of the times with all this digital technology etc there's less of a demand for real paper and ink books.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

And we shopped and we shopped and we shopped some more!

This has been a VERY busy week. On Tuesday Aarahi took the boys for achievement day, I just tagged along because Auron and I were sick of being at home all day. Aarahi tried to teach them about the Armour of God, but the boys were more interested in actually making the Armour and using craft knives and chasing each other around the chapel with 'swords of the spirit'.

On Wednesday it was our turn to have my Nana to come stay with us. We had heeeeeeeeeaps of fun.We did lots of baking and nana taught me how to do some preserving and pickle making etc. We shopped like crazy and for hours on end each day that she was here. We ate out at least once a day and come Saturday we managed breakfast lunch and dinner out. We scored a few good deals, and all Aarahi had to say when I told him i spent lots of money was "it's about time you spent some money, especially on yourself" I think i have the BEST husband ever! Auron and I are very lucky.

I loved having Nana here, and it was hard to take her to the Airport this morning, but we will be home for a visit in 4 months or so!

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Auron's Big Boy Room

We have had a rather productive week. On Monday morning we went into the city to shop for some beds for the spare room  which until now has just been where we put all our junk and Auron's ridiculous amount of clothes and other stuff hes accumulated. We found a cool set of bunks at IKEA and organised to have them delivered the next day as there was no way we could fit them in our car.
Tuesday saw us trying to assemble the beds, and oh my gosh what a flipping mission that was! The are pretty neat bunks in that the can be put together in 3 different ways, as bunks, as two identical separate beds or as one normal bed and one toddler bed with the guard rails on. Took us about 6 hours to finally finish. Auron was very patient and enjoyed playing with all the boxes.
With the new beds I thought it was time I cleaned out Auron's clothes and put away the ones that don't anymore THREE boxes full! man what a spoiled kid, can honestly say I don't know how he accumulated so much stuff and still another box of clothes for him to grow into.
Yesterday we went out for lunch at Nando's, I think they have one in Palmy now, well at least they did in January. Then did a some shopping before picking my Nana up from the airport and heading over to my Uncles for dinner .
Today Aarahi and I taught our classes combined as most of my class has turned 12 now and leave to go to young women's half way through. Our class consisted of about 10 boys, boy are they a tough bunch to teach, they're like Teina and Mosiah on 10 cans of Red Bull. Totally exhausting but good fun. Aarahi got sick of them one week and sent some of them to Relief Society as punishment, too bad for them when they saw their mothers and got dealt to at home for being disrespectful! Needless to say they are a bit better behaved now, but cant expect them to sit silently when they are such a competitive bunch.

Standing up my myself...with the help of the bed frame, trying to help Daddy but really just getting in his way.

 I got into the tissue box, Mummy was wondering why I was so quiet!
 Do you like my cool wall stickers. We ordered another personalised one online with his name and stuff but hasn't arrived yet. Have a look at they have some really cool wall art, and its removable so it doesn't ruin the walls etc


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