Saturday, 20 August 2011

Everybody loves Cake...especially Auron

Yesterday we went to a 'Cake Auction' at the chapel to raise money for the youth to go on camp. I was a awesome night with lots of support. They put a maximum bid of $50 on the cakes that the youth and their parents had made. We bought two cakes a choc ripple cake made my one of the boys in Aarahis class and a Choc cheesecake made by one of the missionaries (he has a reputation as an amazing cheesecake maker). Along with this amazing reputation came fierce competition so naturally we used the baby to our advantage and WON!!!!! All in all it was a good night and we came home and ate cake and strawberries in bed for dinner....looks like we are going to be fat.

Aarahi is singing in sacrament today as well as giving a talk on 'Love at Home'. Hes singing a song called Learning more of Love. Its very pretty, but it's not very well known.. I tried to look it up on youtube but no such luck there.

On Friday Auron and I went to singing time at the library. He loved it! especially the bubble blower they had at the end. Then we went across to the shopping centre and did a bit of shopping. Its national book week or something and a new book store opened up all books $5!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. Not stink books either . I guess its a sign of the times with all this digital technology etc there's less of a demand for real paper and ink books.

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