100 Days of Happiness - Day 29
Ok well this one is a day late but we were out all day yesterday and by the time I got 10mins to myself I was too tired.
Yesterday I had one of the happiest days yet! My little sister/cousin/friend (long story, too complicated to explain and you wont understand anyway) is getting married! You have no idea how excited I am! We have been doing secret wedding planning for a few months now, but were excitedly awaiting the moment when it would all become REAL! now it has! I remember being where she is now, it is an exciting, scary, and exhilarating time. Early this morning I was thinking about what kind of advice I would give to her and Alex at this special time. Here's what I came up with:
Dear Arpege and Alex,
Get ready! Get ready for the time of your life. This is wonderful season of life. Be careful not to let it pass without truly enjoying. Don't let the wedding planning become more important than the relationship.
Watch out! Satan knows your plans, and he does not like them. He will come after you with more force than ever before. Do not let him in! Guard yourselves against him. Study your scriptures together, pray together, keep your boundaries firm, do not cross them not even a little bit. Now is not the time to become complacent.
Practice! Practice selflessness. It has been said that almost all problems in marriage will stem from selfishness. How true that is. Practice now putting your other half before yourself. I promise that when you do yo will find more harmony, more love, less stress and less heartache. It is not easy we are selfish creatures.
Apologise! Even if you know you are right. Just apologise, trust me it's not worth it. Don't be too proud to admit you are wrong or let the other win the argument. It's not a competition.
Don't forget! Don't for get the reason for the season. The reason is to prepare yourselves to make covenants to each other and your Father in Heaven. Take this seriously. Prepare yourselves and do it well. I don't want you to be like me. To be so overwhelmed on the day that you don't remember it at all.
Have fun! Most of all have fun, enjoy this time together. Soon enough pregnancy and babies will come (YEY) and the whole dynamic will change. Enjoy this time when it is just the two of you, it is short. Fill it with adventure and strengthening the relationship so that it will stand strong when trials come. Make memories to last a life time.
If you think you are in love now, it is nothing like the love that is to come.
Love Candice and Aarahi