Thursday, 17 April 2014

Because of Him

100 Days of Happiness - Day 36 and 37

Day 36

A day late again...I'm slipping. Yesterday I was loving the beautiful weather. It was the perfect washing weather, perfect relaxing outside weather and the perfect temperature. Unfortunately I didn't get in any exercise yesterday unless you count walking around the shopping centre which I kind of want to count....

I'm not sure what was going on at the shops yesterday but it was crazy town there. Maybe because it's a public holiday today and everyone thinks they might starve if they don't to their shopping. Okay that's exactly why we were there too. I had a activity on at church that night and would be able to make my family dinner so we had Subway for the 3rd day in a row..... shocking I know but atleast it's not McDonalds or something like that. The people who work there know my order now, kind of embarrassing. It's a pretty cheap meal though it costs under $15 for our whole family so I'm not going to complain about that.

Day 37

Today is Good Friday. A time to reflect and ponder on the sacrifice our Saviour made for us. I think it is so easy for us to "forget the reason for the season" and get caught up in the excitement of chocolate and the Easter Bunny (which when I think about it, is really quite a funny concept haha).

So here is a wonderful video clip to help you remember what it is really about.

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