Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Top 10 Books for Kids

100 Days of Happiness - Day 28

It rained almost non-stop today. Its cold and grey and I LOVE it. I love being able to just curl up inside. Lili is not feeling the best today so was just wanting to be cuddled. I think the extra cuddles is the perk about the only perk of having sick kids. I think if you didn't get those sweet cuddles you might just go insane.

Auron is on his 'Daddy buzz' at the moment. About a week ago Aarahi put a band-aid on his cut finger ever since then he is constantly telling me how Daddy fixed his finger. It really is true that Daddy is a son's first Hero. Never mind the millions of times I've fixed his bumps and bruises! I don't mind though, just happy my kids have such and amazing Dad.

This afternoon like most afternoons we spent about an hour on the couch with blankets reading books. I loved reading when I was younger. My mum used to read to be every night until I was about 12 or 13. It was one of the best memories I have from my childhood. I am thankful that my mum gave me that love for reading. I thought I would share with you some of our favourite books.


 Just Like My Dad This is Auron's all time favourite book. My mum bought it for Aarahi for Fathers day before Auron was born.


Dinosaurs Love Underpants This book has little boys written all over it. Dinosaurs and underwear how could you go wrong?


We're Going on a Bear Hunt While this is not one of my favourites both Lili and Auron always want me to read it to them. 


Dear Zoo This is Lili's favourite book, no question about it. We will usually have to read it at least 3-4 times a day. 


Giraffes Can't Dance I love this book because it is so easy to read. The words flow so well that it make for great reading. It also has a great message for kids about how everyone is different. 


There was and Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly I have very fond memories of this book from when I was young. My kids are think it's as funny as I do. 


Good Night Moon The perfect bedtime story


Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy Another easy to ready book. It's also short enough to keep little ones attention


The Very Hungry Caterpillar This is such a classic book that I think every child should have. Auron enjoys counting all the food that the caterpillar eats. There are also many great craft projects you can do based on this book.


The Poky Little Puppy This was my husbands favourite book when he was a child. It's a new book for the kids we have only had it a few weeks but so far they are really enjoying this mischievous little puppy.


  1. Love, love, love these choices! As a teacher and a mom I am all about books :)
    Stopping by from

    1. I couldn't agree with you more! Hopefully I can raise some good old book worms.



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