Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Weekly Menu

A few people have asked if I could continue to put up our weekly menu so here is this weeks one. This weekend we will be watching our church's General Conference at home. It was broadcast last weekend but because of the time differences we usually watch it the following weekend. 2 years ago we were blessed to be able to attend while we were on holiday in America.

As a bit of a tradition we usually have a special breakfast before we start and have lots of yummy goodies to eat a long the way. The conference is four, two hour sessions over 2 days. There are also two other session decicated for the males aged 8 and over and the girls aged 8 and over. It's such a great time to get some wonderful inspiration.

(Click the menu to see it full sized)

Here are some links to some of the recipes I will be using this week

Jamaican Jerk Pork (chicken)  Apparently this is Usain Bolts favourite dish. I saw it on TV last night it looked AMAZING.

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