Tuesday, 13 September 2016

6 Day Engagement

Last night at about 9pm I realised it was our anniversary. Oops. I sent Aarahi a message at work to tell him, he forgot too.

We have been together for seven years. It is crazy. It seems like both a life time and a blink of an eye. Did you know we were engaged 6 days after dating?? and then married only a few months later.
We often laugh about it, and wonder at the insanity of it all. I also wondered why no one tried to counsel us otherwise. I am positive it ran through their minds.

When Aarahi first moved to Palmy there were a few bets going about how long it would take before we were engaged. I should mention we didn't even know each other before this! So I got engaged to someone who I had known only 3 weeks. I remember telling my Mum. It was the middle of the night and I heard her get up to go to the bathroom and I yelled it out to her as she walked past my bedroom door. Her response "I knew you would marry him, he is a wonderful young man"

My family, when they would talk about the kind of guy that I would need, always said I would need someone to be the assertive, outgoing, and to be able to say no to me. They couldn't have been more wrong with Aarahi. He is quiet, meek, humble and thinks very little of himself. He let's me do whatever I want, whenever I want and always ALWAYS puts me and children first.

We had people whispering in our ears months before we even met, telling us that we should at the very least date each other. Our siblings in particular were keen on the idea. I remember the day we first met. Haroma (Aarahi's little brother) had text me and asked me to bring him some lunch over on my way home...oh and my brother is here too so you might want to bring him some too. I was SO nervous. I knew I was going to marry him. I had known for months now (still in denial slightly, because it seemed ludicrous). Then I walked in to the house and there he was. Reading his scriptures (oh so righteous). Haroma picked up his food and then left! So there we stood, awkwardly, not knowing what to do or say. We ended up getting in the car and going searching for Haroma. We found him and his now wife in a park being somewhat secretive...and the rest is history. 3 weeks later we were planning a wedding.

7 years on and we are still here, still happy and still striving to be the best we can be.

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