Tuesday, 21 August 2012

This has been a hard week...some will call it a fantastic week though. This was the week that Auron decided to sleep through the night in his own room in his own bed. No longer does he need to come into bed with us for cuddles. Am I coping? hardly haha. He's slept in his own bed in his own room since he was about 10 months but always ended up back in bed with us half way through the night. Before this week he had only ever slept right through maybe 3 times max. I am definitely missing my cuddles at night. I've also found myself waking every hour or so at night looking for him in my bed, lol slightly depressing and strange I know. I suppose it's a good thing really seeing as we will have a new baby in a couple of months.

Aarahi had two days off work this week which was lovely. We did a few things, went to Spotlight to get some material to make blankie for new baby Grayson, bought Auron some new shoes they had been $80 each but I bought 2 pairs for $40 which I was pretty happy with. They're a good brand so will hopefully last a long time. We also had lunch at this yummy cafe, the servings were so big neither of us could finish ours even sharing with Auron. This whole outing lasted only about 90mins which was nice, any longer and I don't think I would be still standing.

I've also been busy working on making things for our new baby, along with my Nana and Aarahis mum (Nanny Kaye). My mum doesn't want me to send her any projects haha she says the crafty genes must have skipped a generation. It's nice to think that when she arrives she will have lots of little colthes and things all made by special people and all made with love. awwww.

We have used cloth nappies on Auron since he was about 7 months old and it has worked out really well so we naturally intend to use them for the new baby. Unfortunately the brand that we have at the moment have really bad reviews for newborns so we have been buying different brands and trying them out on Auron to see how well they fit...not that he's a new born or anything. The difference is actually quite noticeable and I can see how Auron's nappies wouldn't work for a young baby. We have decided to buy a set of Itti Bitti nappies. Reasons: they are really trim fitting and snug around the legs, as in Auron can wear his jeans without having to undo the top button or wear a disposable. They have really good absorbency, Auron's bum is still dry even if the nappy is wet. The bamboo absorbency pads are super soft and finally they are just ridiculously cute, so much so I can see an addiction coming on. On the downside they are a fair bit more expensive than what we have now but they seem worth it.

Anyway I wrote this about 2 weeks ago but was waiting to send it until i found my camera to put some photos on. I found the camera now just lost the cord to load the photos....ill make up for it next week.

maybe ill see if there are some old photos to put up.

Aw so yummy, can't believe this was almost a year ago now. 

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