This year we are looking forward to a quiet year dedicated to strengthening our own little family. Auron is starting a a preK homeschool program by Heart of Dakota, called little hands to heaven. It's adorable and I cant wait to start teaching him! It will probably do me some good to as I'm not that great on the details of a lot of the bible stories. Lili I imagine with just keep getting into mischief, and continue growing into the little lady she is becoming. Aarahi is still enjoying work, and loves to be home with us by lunch time. I love his job so much for this reason. He is working as the ward clerk and finds this a wonderful and challenging calling which he loves. We both plan to lose some weight this year (isn't that almost everyone's goal?) I want to lose about 10kg before we have our next baby, considering i put on an average 30kgs each pregnancy. If I lose 7-10 ill be back to pre-Auron weight and that's good enough for me. We have also made a commitment to increase our temple attendance to once a month, starting this Friday! Yey us. My biggest goal is to get over my fear of driving and get my licence. Yes it's embarrassing I know. Oh our number one biggest goal? Start building our house at the end of the year! I can't wait!
How are your New Years goals? This is actually the first year we have made them! I hope you all had a wonderful and safe holiday season and I look forward to getting to know you all better in the year to come.
Much love from my family to yours
Enjoy a few photos from our New Years Eve Party last night.
Our little munchkin at 11pm, trying to make it to midnight on only a 30min nap all day! |
Good effort Lili |
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