Friday, 22 November 2013

Date Night - Why it's Important

Last night my sweet husband and I headed out on a date. We try to do it regularly but usually we just do something fun at home so going out is a real treat.
The date of choice was to an trampoline centre near the city. It's a huge complex with a ridiculous amount of trampolines. You book an hour slot and jump as much as you like.
We realised a few things during our time there. Firstly, we are incredibly unfit, the kids around us went non-stop for the whole hour. We were needing a rest after 15 mins and were ready to go after 45mins. Secondly, bouncing is no good for my bladder, I don't think I need to explain further.
After the bouncing we headed into the city for dinner. By the time we got lost a few times, then found a park and got to the restaurant it was 9pm. I forgot how scary town can be late at wasn't even that late, but I was still freaking out a little while I waited for Aarahi to use the bathroom. The bouncers at the club looked at me strangely, perhaps I had too many clothes on or something because most of the girls were walking around next to naked. Seriously, it was shameful.

Now about dates. They are IMPORTANT! They are not just something you do if you have time, or money, they are something you make time and money for. My Aunty put it simply to me the other day when she said, "if you are not continually dating each other, you simply become room mates". She couldn't be any more right.
Dates are a way to keep the "spark" alive, and to reconnect. Remember when you we first dating, before marriage or years had passed? When your loved one used to send you flowers or cute little notes. Now after a few years life has become "comfortable"  for lack of a better word. Instead of sweet love notes, its notes like "can you pick of milk on the way home" or "what's for dinner" Although milk and dinner are both very important I am sure you will agree neither is going to make your heart flutter.
From my own experience I have found that as the excitement and newness of relationships wear off so does our effort we put into the relationship. Often I have thought to myself, "oh I am so tired, he knows I love him I don't need to do anything to prove it" But he does! he needs me to show him everyday how much I love and appreciate him. Continuing to court each other after we have been married has strengthened our marriage immeasurably. We both look forward to the end of the week when we get to have that time we have set aside for US. A time to be husband and wife, not mum and dad. In our family kids are great, we love our kids, we spend a lot of time, effort and energy on our kids but they are not the most important. The most certainly come second to our marriage. I mean once your kids grow up and leave who are you going to be left with? If you have not worked to maintain your marriage while your children are young then what can you expect to have once they have left home. Gosh you might be married to a stranger! haha but seriously.
Dates are fun, perhaps a little awkward if you haven't done it in a while but I promise you if you put away an hour a week to simply date your other half you will also find the benefits immeasurable. If you need some ideas for dates you can have a look HERE

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