Monday, 27 June 2011

Kung fu panda!

We have done a few fun things this week. The best was going to Kung fu Panda! Aarahi got some free tickets from work for being a hard worker which was a nice treat. Auron loved the movies, slept for maybe 15 mins but other than that his eyes were glued to the screen, no crying or complaining at all just happy smiles.
My friend Kim and her boyfriend Chris just moved to Melbourne last week so on Wednesday Auron and I trekked into the city to do a bit of shopping and catch up with them. It was really good to see them and for them to meet Auron. Auron wasnt too impressed by Chris and burst into tears which freaked Chris out.
Auron is getting bigger by the day and new clothes were in order this week so Mr Pukeko got a new wardrobe, not that he cares too much about it though, but he is looking super cute in his new clothes.
It was a busy day at church yesterday as it was ward conference. The good thing about ward conference though is that they put on a huge lunch. Following ward conference we had a baptism for one of the girls in primary. Baptisms here a HUGE deals, the whole ward turns up and the family put on a big dinner for the ward. So yes we were WELL fed at church yesterday. I quite like sundays because the girls in my primary class and the Young women come and entertain baby for us.
Finally today Aarahi didnt go to work so we spend the day together baking and making the Pukeko a playmat. (Aarahi bought me a sewing machine on the weekend). It was nice to just spend the day together working on a project.

 Sitting at the movies...he even wore his panda top!

 Our turtle playmat....his head needs some work but auron seems to think its ok

This was my very first movie!

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