Monday, 18 February 2013

Finally some relief!

It has been a long, hot summer. This past week or so has been horrible, mid to high 30s everyday! Its been impossible to sleep. Most of the week Auron and Lili have been waking up because of the heat and not able to go back to sleep so we have pretty much been staying awake til 5am or so then all going back to bed once it's cooled down and sleeping until 10am. Today however it's a chilly 26 degrees! Which is kind of perfect timing as Auron's new winter clothes I ordered arrived on the doorstep this morning. He looks so cute in his new clothes.
Only 2 weeks to go until we fly out. We are flying with Air New Zealand and they have this new thing out where you can make an offer of how much you are willing to pay to be upgraded. We put an offer in but I doubt we will get it, would be nice though.
Auron has really enjoyed the little matchbox cars they have at nursery and play group. Yesterday Aarahi took him to pick out a few to buy. One of the ones they pick was apparently just like one Aarahi had when he was little. Cars are definitely a boy thing, I can remember Te Arai being in love with cars when he was little, it was like to the point of obsession. He would "drive" his cars up and down his imaginary roads on the carpet patterns "beep beeping" you if God forbid you step on his road!
Valentines day was a low key affair this year, Aarahi bought me a bunch of my favourite flowers and we had strawberry milk and chocolate fondue and fruit for dessert.

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