Friday, 3 January 2014

Off to the Temple we go

Yesterday Aarahi and I went to the temple together for the first time since Auron was a baby. I know I know we're useless. I could give you a million excuse as to why but none of them are really good enough.
Our New Year's resolution was to go to the temple together once a month. Woohoo month one done and dusted before the first week is over! We had some of our good friends watch the kids. Auron and Lili adore them. They were even lovely enough to take them earlier so we could go out at have dinner before our temple session.
We dropped the kids off at 3pm and headed off. The temple is about an hours drive away so we read our scriptures..well I read out loud while Aarahi drove. No decent restaurants were open so we settled for the food court. After dinner we headed over to the temple for our 6pm session.

And oh how wonderful it was! 

It was so nice to be back and I can't wait to return next month! Temples are a big part of being LDS/Mormon. They are a place to receive inspiration, to feel close with God and to participate in sacred ordinance. It truly is a wonderful place to be. If you want to know more about Mormon temples you can go HERE

A few shameless 'selfies' before we left...

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