Saturday, 14 January 2012

It's a Daddy thing

Our nightly routine as of the past week. 8pm Auron goes to bed, 10pm Auron wakes up to come into bed with us and quickly goes back to sleep, 3am Aarahi wakes up for work, Auron wakes up and tries to get out of bed to go with Daddy, I try and get him to go back to sleep to no avail so kick him out of bed and he wanders off down the hallway crying for Daddy. Eventually Aarahi has to actually leave the house so  he brings baby back and the screaming starts again. I take him out to the lounge and he packs an even bigger tantrum and crawls over to the front door and starts to bang on it crying away to himself. He doesn't want me to pick him up and cuddle him so I let him sit there. Eventually he calms down but he still wont move from the door. Finally I go pick him up and he starts crying as we head off to the room but hes exhausted himself and falls asleep only to awake every hour until 8am.

So yeah don't really know what to do about it.

Friday came and I finally got knocked down by the cold the boys have had. I thought I had escaped but sadly no. Aarahi's been a good nurse though catering to my every need. I feel a bit better tonight, well enough to make dinner anyway. Saw some homemade chicken sausages on tv earlier in the week that I wanted to try. The sausages here are mediocre to say the least, even when you do buy the more expensive ones. I like the ones from the shop in Otaki, the pork, fennel and apple ones...mmm yum.

Poor Auron has his first really noticable injury, a scraped up little nose. I think i'm going to have to put some make up on him tomorrow for church hahaha...maybe. He looks a bit like Rudolf the red nose reindeer at the moment. Not that he cares.

We booked and paid for all our hotels this week for our holiday coming up which is really exciting! There are lots of exciting things we can't wait to do and see. It will definatly be a special trip.

Aarahi scared the life out of me earlier this week. Usually he gets home from work between 12 and 1pm but on this particular day it was moving on in the afternoon and I was getting worried at about 5pm I was really starting to freak out. I couldn't get hold of him because he left his phone at the airport when we went to NZ and we still haven't bothered to replace it. I had checked all the motorways and news for any accidents but nothing...phew relief. My friend Kim was getting ready to come over to help me go looking for him. Anyhow at 540pm he drives up the driveway. I burst into tears but oh so relieved. Turns out he stayed on to help out with some deliveries and it took way longer than expected. Lesson learnt from now on he's going to take my phone to work..until we replace his.

I think this photo is RIDICULOUSLY cute!

Have been to sick tired and grumpy to get the camera out this week sorry

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