Tuesday, 3 January 2012

NZ trip part 2

So we left sunny Tauranga and set off for Palmy. Auron was a little trooper slept all the way to Taupo. When i got him out I realised he was saturated...note to self, it is not a good idea to leave baby in swimming nappies! He didn't seem to mind though. So quick change of nappies and off to Burger Fuel for dinner, another item ticked off our to do list.
Auron started getting a bit grumpy at about Hunterville so stop to play in the park at 1030pm. On our way again and Auron SCREAMED the last 10mins of the trip and was inconsolable once we stopped. Oh well he soon got over it and and was a happy chappy. 
The next morning our family set off for the airport to welcome home our brother Elder Whaanga from his mission. He looks pretty much the same just fatter. He has a few plans for his future up his sleeve so it will be exciting to see him embarking on this next phase of his life. For those you who know Kevin he was probably one of the least likely Young Men to serve a mission. I don't think it was ever really it his life plan, but it just shows you that you never know what is around the corner. On another mission note my other brother Wane got his mission call the day after Kev got home. He's off to Adelaide in April. Well done Wane its been a LONG time coming! So in the next few months he will be able to go through the temple and be sealed to the rest of us. Hopefully Teina will be able to be sealed to us now too. Mum's looking into it I think.
Anyhow the rest of our time in Palmy was spent eating at all the yummy places we miss, annual sports at the park I however didn't participate unless you count the swimming that followed, in the rain no less. We headed over to Masterton for the morning to catch up with some more family. Um got a hair cut at my old hairdressers, my hairdresser is a little crazy and weird but does a decent job and does it fast.
Aarahi and I went out on a double "date" thing with my brother and his Girlfriend. We even left Auron with Teuila and Manasseh to babysit. We were about to head out and realised that our intended restaurant was already swarming with all the adults of the family (tonight we were kids). So we ended up at a really nice Thai place instead.
New years was spent at the Taratoa's. The theme was opshop and everyone made the effort to dress up. Aarahi Auron and I went as old people...well auron just went as an old fashion baby. SUPER cute though. The winners of the night were hands down Aarahi's brother and his family who dressed up as the Incredibles!

New years day we drove back to tauranga the off to auckland to catch our plane home the next day

A few extra notes:

Auron did really well meeting everyone, despite getting 2 teeth and having cold while we away. Not to mention the crazy bed times, not being fed whenever he wanted, and being in strange places with strange people, being dropped dragged around being put in and out of carseats, prams, constantly being woken up and having to sit still on the plane.

If you are ever thinking of flying Emirates is an AWESOME airline. Pay the little extra and go with them and I bet you wont regret it. We wont be flying with anyone else now if we can help it.

Don't they look AWESOME!

Welcome home Elder Whaanga

My family

Auron and his Cousin Ollie, they're about 4 months apart

Aunty Mei

Nanny Mary and Auron

Tearai and Emily. 

My Family 

The 5 of us

Playing with Uncle at midnight

My sister and Grandparaents

Love this photo...a little concerned about what Teuila is doing though

We managed to squeeze him into the bassinette on the plane

Uncle Teina gave Auron his breakfast every morning

Teina Auron and our cousin Joel

Uncle Richard

We went to say a hello to Aunty Jeanette at work

Then off to see our cousins Teina Auron Shilo and Claire

Home at last and exhausted

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