Tuesday, 13 August 2013

The Day We Walked Up Mount Maunganui

Blogging while on holiday is hard! but I thought I would share what we did yesterday, as it was pretty fun if I do say so myself.
At the moment we are in Tauranga New Zealand which is where my husband is from. It is a beautiful part on NZ. One of the iconic features of the area is Mount Maunganui...which is English is translated to mean "Big Mountain"
Yesterday morning we set off to walk up the mountain. It was something on my bucket list of things to do. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am not the fittest person around, or the strongest and couldn't care one bit about exercise so this was going to be an effort. Our walking party included 4 adults and 6 kids aged 8, 7, 2, 2, 9 months and 2 months.
The walk began ok, but then the stairs came oh my gosh the stairs! My niece counted 2030...but she may have exatergated a little. The height of the mountain however is 230m and the walk is ALL up hill. I left my inhaler in the car, stupid idea. I had to stop a few times and complained to my husband about what a dumb idea it was to to this walk. He was lovely and kind as always and pushed me onwards and upwards.
The view from the top is breathtaking. I was out done by two 2 year old's but that doesn't matter, it's just embarrassing! Kids seem to have endless amounts of energy. There were so many people on the walk up old.....like REALLY old and young....like our munchkins.
We the walk down was a million times easier although I had to carry Auron the majority of the way. He was understandably exhausted and tired.
We finished our hard morning of exercise off with a huge lunch of fish n chips down at the wharf. Nothing like some greasy hot chips to wash down a good long work out!

Aarahi with Auron and our Niece and Nephew

The the view half way up

Daddy and Auron

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