Thursday, 11 August 2016

It wont last forever

I think it is time to get back in to writing more. I have had the nagging feeling for a couple of months now but keep putting it to the back of my mind "for another day". However after a few trying months I think it will probably be good for me, regardless of if anyone reads it. I have even struggled to keep up our weekly family blog that goes out to our families overseas.

I had a little look back through some older posts tonight and realised how fast my kids are growing up. I really does just happen in the blink of the eye. I think the saying is "the days are long but the years are short" How true is that? I am so not ready for it to be going so fast. I keep telling Aarahi we need more babies so I can never lose them. He thinks I am a little crazy.

Tonight I wished I could have frozen time, if only for an hour. I had three freshly washed children all snuggly and warm dressed in their PJ's. There eye were beginning to droop as the minutes ticked by, ready to rest from all the days fun. These days are limited, they wont last forever. One day they will be gone, grown up and having these experience in their own home with their own babies. Just in that small moment in time it didn't matter that the house looked like a tornado had ripped through it (that tornado being named Ammon). Or that there are art projects all over the floor that I have been trying to throw away for days but my little hoarder is on to me!

Next week my Mum is visiting from New Zealand and Aarahi is taking a week off work. I can't wait to lap up every minute of it. Aarahi and I will be taking a very much needed trip to the temple which I am sure will calm my troubles and fill my heart with all those good things.

We went on a cruise earlier this year. I love this photo of Lili. It was pouring with rain and all she wanted to do was make sand castles. 

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