Thursday, 4 July 2013

Oh the Joys of Motherhood

This morning when I woke up at...

5am: I tried to convince Lili to sleep a bit longer but she wasn't having a bar of that. Anyone else try to to reason with an eight month old? 

6am: I walked into the lounge and saw the state of my carpet which thankfully is getting cleaned tomorrow. It's covered in smooshed in banana countless spilt drinks, from those "non spill cups" I might add. 

7am Auron wakes up and wants cuddles but doesn't want Lili to be within 5feet of him, which was not happen so there was whinging and whining and tears and Auron trying to slyly push his sister over without me noticing. 

8am Breakfast, Auron burnt the toast by turning the dial up. Smoke alarms start blaring . Have to open the doors and it is FREEZING and windy outside. 

830am Check emails, facebook and talk to my mum for awhile. Try to teach her how to use facebook, my attempts are pointless. I think I would have a better chance teaching my 80 year old grandma. 

9am I shower, with two kids opening and closing the door every 30seconds. Auron tries to give Lili a shower by dumping a bucket of water over her head. She doesn't care, she just laughs and looks at me with with her snotty nose. She's eating something she found on the ground. 

930am We read books and I get out some play dough for Auron, he wants to build blocks instead. I'm ready to go back to bed. 

10am Talk to my mum again. Ring my Husband ask when he will be finished work, he sounds tired too. We decide to head to town to do some shopping and groceries. Lili falls asleep.

11am We get ready to leave, I get the kids in the pram the door slams shut locking the keys and Aurons jacket inside. We get the bus to escape the cold

Midday. Lili is asleep again so Auron and I have out weekly noodle date. He loves it, I love it more. He's hilarious. He always steals all the good stuff out of my noodles. 

1230pm We shop and shop, the shopping centre is crazy, it's school holidays.

230pm: I tackle the grocery store by myself with a pram and the trolley, bad idea I got a dud trolley. I buy Auron packet of lollies to get him to cooperate, I made sure to get the most diffucult packet to open, so as to prolong the cooperation. It worked a treat. 

4pm: Aarahi meets us. Auron needs to be changed, like REALLY needs to be changed his poop is coming out the top of his nappy

5pm: the rest of the evening is a blur of dinner, baths and stories.

8pm: everyone is in bed, that's where I'm going too.

I can't wait to do it all again tomorrow! well maybe not the poop part...


  1. Winter weather sounds pretty great right about now! I have a friend that lives in Melbourne. They come and visit here in our summer and she always has to pull out their summer clothes from storage. In my perfect world we would have 6 days of summer and 1 day of winter. Crazy? I think not:) thanks for introducing yourself:) as for reasoning with an 8 month old, I want all of the tricks you figure out! Cute little devils.

  2. I have no tricks...sadly. We were in Utah last April for general conference I think that was perfect weather.



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