Friday 5 July 2013

Seven at 7

Our carpets were cleaned today, I both ashamed and horrified at the filth that came out. Our couches were cleaned too, I now know what colour they really are....more of a cream colour as opposed to the light brown I had assumed they were. Like I said gross.

Auron spends most of the day in a nappy and nothing else, he would probably like to walk around naked but I'm not game enough for that yet, I just my carpets cleaned remember. I blame him for our outrageous gas bill last month.

I did four loads of laundry today but looking at the pile of dirty clothes in the hallway you would never have guessed. I shouldn't have cleaned under the beds today. Also in my cleaning efforts today I found $80 in cash in three different currencies. Feeling rich.

While I was in the shower Auron ate all the icing off the cake we made last night. He was so happy with himself, the cake looks more like a pile of crumbs but still tastes good.

Lili loves to suck our toes, it's pretty gross. Auron let's her suck his toes while he watches tv.

Auron needed mummy time today so he cleaned the kitchen cupboards while I cleaned the floor. It worked well he was happy and I got my cupboards cleaned.

When Lili eats she smacks her lips together it is ridiculously cute.

Tonight is supposed to be date night but were too tired so will settle for hot chocolate in bed.
This is from when we were first dating.

1 comment:

  1. See, now you're not the stalker anymore, I am!:):):) date nights on the couch are my favorite kind!!! We are rewatching all of the episodes of "24". Every night we rush to the tv after the kids are in bed to watch together.



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