Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Month of Fun - Day 2

Today we set up the sandpit and paddling pool we bought yesterday. Auron was so excited so I let them get in with their PJ's still on at 8 in the morning. Auron played and played and played. Lili was entertained for awhile but not long enough so I took her inside while I did the house work. You know that boring stuff you have to do everyday. 
Lili went down for a nap and I went back outside to play with Auron and teach him the art of making sand castles. It was getting warm so I let him turn on the hose to fill up the paddling pool. When Lili woke up she was all for the water part of the day. I also cant forget to mention how ridiculously cute she looked in her togs with her fat little belly poking out! 
The kids played and played and played. We stopped for awhile to eat lunch, then it was back to the sand and water! Daddy came home just after lunch, and hung out with us and played water fighting with the hose. 
We eventually made it back inside at 2pm for everyone...mummy and daddy included to have a nap. 

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