Tuesday, 3 September 2013

Month of Fun - Day 3

GARDENING! That's what we did this morning. Last Christmas my parents in law were over visiting and my father in law who is an avid gardener built me a little garden. I however am a terrible gardener and nothing grew!
I decided it was time to try again so this morning Auron and I got to work planting some new veges. Lili played with the pegs from the peg basket.
I hope these plants grow, and I don't turn out to be a dismal failure once again. Aarahi who, spent most of his childhood and youth in the family garden does not want anything to do with it, other than admiring it from afar. He tells me "I'm sure it will grow this time"

On another note Lili has just discovered her climbing abilities and now climbs up on the sides of the couches and throws herself off, thinking she is pretty clever.

These two are apple crazy at the moment! Everytime I turn around they have apples in their hands. At least the eat the whole thing!

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