Today was one of those day. You know the ones where the lack of sleep and pure exhaustion just catches up with you. I have been unwell for the last few days so haven't slept well then last night Lili and Auron were a tag team waking up non stop from 11pm til 6am.
I just wanted to curl up in a ball and sleep all day. But as with all things when you are a parent, life must go on. Kids don't care that you're tired, they just want you to make them breakfast and play with them.
So I rang my husband to complain about how tired I was. He commiserated with me, then told me to get out of the house and I would feel better. He was right.
The kids and I got ready (I had to put a a fair bit of make up on to hide the signs of a mother barely keeping it together). By 930 we were on our way to Gymbaroo, the walk was just what I needed to wake myself up. It was half raining.
Auron and Lili LOVE to go to Gymbaroo. We go each week along with some other kids from our playgroup and lots of other kids around the community. Our council has subsidised the price greatly so we only pay $2 per family each week. It goes for 90mins and is a music and movement class for kids 6 months - 5 years. It works on coordination and using different muscles. The start the class with massages. Auron does not want anything to do with that but he comes over and joins in once we are all more active. He loves free time most, and doing the circuit with the instructor. Lili enjoys practising her climbing on all the equipment, and the balls.
Aarahi arrived just as it was finishing. We went and picked up the groceries and headed home. He was lovely and sent me off to have a sleep. I am feeling like a whole new woman now! I am so lucky that he is generally home by lunch time each day. Love love LOVE it!
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