Thursday, 13 March 2014

My Favourite Day of the Week

100 Days of Happiness - Day 7

FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favourite day of the week for many reasons. Friday is grocery day, I love to do the grocery shopping love love love it. We go as a family after Aarahi finishes work, he says he doesn't really care about grocery shopping but he goes along willingly each week. I like to see how much I can get, spending the least amount possible. Today's grand total was $106.69. Not too bad at all, we got quite a bit for our food storage too. After doing the shopping we usually get a treat of some sort, today's treat was an icecream and drink from "Hamburger" (Mc Donalds)

Friday nights in our house are lazy and relaxing. Tonight we're having hamburgers for dinner and later will pull out the mattresses into the lounge to watch a movie complete with popcorn and other goodies. I try hard to get all the housework done and do a bit extra so that I don't have to do much over the weekend and can spend the weekend just enjoying my family being together without the dreaded washing haunting me all weekend.

This weekend in our "free" weekend, meaning we wont be going out or spending any money. We plan to make forts in the lounge with the couches and blankets, and maybe a picnic at the park or beach if the weather holds up.

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