Sunday, 9 March 2014

The Simple Quiet Moments

100 Days of Happiness - Day 3

I must say I LOVE morning church. There is something so satisfying starting your day worshiping. Today a spoke in church about "How Incredible Women Are". I have avoided having to speak in church for a looooong time now. I think the last time I was assigned to speak was when I graduated seminary way back in 2004.
I had a few "Happy Moments" today. The first was when I left Lili in the nursery for the first time by herself (not really Auron was in there too) and she didn't scream the chapel down. She can officially start attending when she turns 18 months which is in 2 weeks. ( I really cant believe she's that old). I have been slowly easing her into going over the last month but today was the first time I had left her in there without me while I went and did some photocopying and other things.
Aarahi works as the clerk at church, managing all the records, tithing and all that kind of stuff. He usually has to stay back a little while after all the services are over. I use that time to catch up with friends etc. Today was particularly lovely as we sat out in the warm sun talking.
I loved my rest time with Lili today. She's a dynamite kid it's honestly just beautiful to watch her sleeping so quietly. The house was silent, everyone else was asleep and it was just wonderful to curl up with my beautiful girl and have a rest. Sunday may be called the "day of rest" but it is one of our busiest days of the week!

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