100 days of Happiness - Day 4
Whilst the northern hemisphere is freezing, we down here in the southern hemisphere are sweltering through (hopefully) the end of summer. Today was a public holiday so we headed down to the local aquatic centre for a church activity. It was a gorgeous day, Auron and Lili love swimming. Auron doesn;t quite know how to say swimming so he just does the swimming actions instead of saying the word. It's particularly cute when he says his prayers and stops midway and starts pretending to swim then carries on with his prayer. Hilarious! it's really hard to keep a straight face.
The men cooked an amazing BBQ for lunch then we headed home as it was getting too hot to be outside.
Each Monday we have the Missionaries who are currently serving in our area come over a play board games (the game RISK in particular). These are lovely boys, they work and serve 6 days a week, on Mondays they have what is called preparation day where they do their groceries, shopping, emailing etc They also get to where casual clothes. We love having them in our home they bring a sweet spirit with them and provide a lot of good laughs.
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